Meeting Dates

We hope you will join us at an upcoming meeting!  Please bring plants to the plant exchange!

Topic: Annual Plant Exchange
Date: Thursday, April 24th 2014
(note this is the 4th Thursday)
6:30 Meeting and plant exchange
Location: Murray Park
Pavilion #5
It's time to swap plants! Do you have some extra starts from all your indoor seed starting experiments? Did you thin some plants in your yard? Bring your extras and take home something new.

Topic: Plant Diagnostics
by JayDee Gunnell, USU Salt Lake County Extension Agent
Date: Thursday, May 15th, 2014
6:30 Social / 7:00 Meeting
Location: USU Extension Classroom (room S1008)
Salt Lake County Bldg, 2100 S State
** remember to sign in/out with security in north building **

Master Gardener” carries an expectation that anyone associated with the program is an expert on anything to do with plants, insects, diseases and any other maladies that might be connected with anything that goes wrong in the landscape. However the “art” of diagnosis is not always easy. JayDee will walk us trough the diagnostic process and discuss common and uncommon plant problems.

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