Annual Awards Banquet

The awards banquet was held in the barn at Wheeler Farm.

Social time & Appetizers  - 6:00 to 6:30  PM

Buffet Dinner - 6:30 PM

Presentation of Awards - 7:00 PM

Volunteer Hours
Master Gardeners honored for completion of volunteer hours in 2012.

50 Hours
Debbie Stevensen
Cheri Schulzke
Diane Curtz
Alexa Baxter
Ron Jones

100 Hours
Barbara Andrade
Bart Anderson
Golden Reeves
Jerry Milne
Allison Topham
Jan Konold

Outstanding Volunteer of the Year
A SLMGA Master Gardener who goes above and beyond in volunteering many hours at our Projects demonstrating extra dedication during the year to the association and the community.

Barbara Andrade

2012 Project Leaders

Peggy Call - Christmas Box House
Jenny Gibson - Fresh from the Heart
Allison Topham - Garden Patch Editor
Judi Short - Gilgal Gardens
Marilyn Jesperson - Pioneer Park & Wasatch Front Farmers Market
Matthew Utley - Tracy Aviary
Carrie Blackburn - Utah Aids Foundation
Sandy Burgess - Wheeler Farm/Herb Gardens
Sara Anderson - Salt Lake County Fair

Silver Trowel Awards
Project Leaders nominate any Master Gardener who demonstrates extraordinary enthusiasm in any project.

Tim Noyce - Gilgal Gardens
Debbie Stevensen - Garden Patch
Karen Ober - Pioneer Park & Wasatch Front Farmers Market
John Kalasky - Salt Lake County Fair
Cheri Schulzke - Salt Lake County Fair
Golden Reeves - Wheeler Farm

Executive Board Awards
This award is given to Master Gardeners who demonstrates exemplary service/support to the Board.

Illene Mirabella
Amy Hargraves Judzis
Allison Topham

Dale Hughes Memorial Award
Dale Hughes was an Extension Agent who was very dedicated to the Extension Service. This award is given yearly in his memory to a Master Gardener who demonstrates extraordinary dedication to the Association.

Terry Curling

Don & Beverly Sudbury Award

Sandy Burgess

Master Gardener of the Year
The Master Gardener of the Year Award is given to a member who has contributed many hourd over a period of years to the SLMGA in many areas including community projects, clinics, clinic administration, workshops, written articles and advocacy. They have performed unusual and outstanding service to the association, contributing to the well-being of other members and also the community.

Judi Short

2011-12 Board Members
Diane Curtz - President
Golden Reeves - Vice President
Jan Konold - Secretary
Chris Palyka - Treasurer
Tony Mirabella - Historian
Cheri Schulzke - Volunteer Coordinator
Allison Topham - Garden Patch Editor

2013 Board Members
Ron Jones - President
Diane Curtz - Past President
Terry Curling - Vice President
Jan Konold - Secretary
Cheri Schulzke - Tresurer
LeeAnn Ehrhart - Historian


October General Meeting
This months meeting was held at the Salt Lake County Complex room N4017. The Social began at 6:30 PM and the meeting started at 7:00 PM. The speaker was Andrew Israelsen and the topic was how to grow giant pumpkins.


September General Meeting
This months meeting was held at the Salt Lake County Complex - 2100 S State Street - North Building - Room N4017. Social began a 6:30PM and the meeting started at 7:00PM. The speaker was Travis Jones from Rocky Mountain Power and the subject was 'The right tree in the right spot'.


August General Meeting

SLMGA Annual Summer Picnic was held on August 16th at Murray Park - Pavilion #5 begining at 6:30 PM. SLMGA provided the main course and drinks, and each member brought a dish to share.
A gift was given to each attending member, also nominations for 2013 officers were submitted.


July General Meeting

This months meeting was held at the Extension Office Building Training Room S1008. Social began at 6:30 PM and the meeting started at 7:00 PM. This months speaker was JoDeane Condrat, her presentation was how to Grow your Own Sprouts & Microgreens.